Cardboard Box Left in the Freezing Cold Near Trash Bin Reveals Heartbreaking Contents

Karton steht in eisiger Kälte neben Mülltonne – was drinsteckt, lässt Tränen der Wut fließen

As an animal lover, you will never understand how people can be so cruel to animals.

But unfortunately it happens again and again – as in the case of these two puppies, who were put into a cardboard box and left near a rubbish bin.

A heart for animals

Fortunately, the cute puppies were found in time before anything worse could happen to them.

The two four-legged friends have a Ukrainian woman called Olena Pyanov to thank for that!

She runs a YouTube channel called Love Furry Friends, on which she reports on the rescue of abandoned and stray animals.

When she found the abandoned puppies in the box, she was almost heartbroken . It was freezing cold and the dogs were shivering from the cold.

Judging by their appearance, they were also very hungry!

Nobody knew who had put them there and how long the poor animals had been there.

Rescue thanks to a photo

Olena only became aware of the story of the two puppies because she found a photo of the animals on social media.

She didn’t hesitate for a second and immediately set off to rescue the four-legged friends!

Olena immediately brought the two to her home, where they were given a nice, warm bath – and of course finally got their long-awaited food!

Betty and Richie, as Olena named the two puppies, felt completely at home in their new home.

They even quickly found another friend: Olena’s foster dog Mimi.

They were in good hands with Olena – but she knew that the two could not stay with her organisation Love Furry Friends forever, which is why she started looking for adoptive parents.

A second chance for Richie and Betty

Olena posted the tragic story of the two puppies on her social media channels – and it was a huge success!

Shortly after uploading the post, lots of people got in touch who were interested in the puppies.

The two were adopted faster than expected and can now finally enjoy their loving new forever home!

A life for animal welfare

We are infinitely grateful to Olena for what she does!

From finding the animals to the examinations, treatment and subsequent placement.

She works completely on her own and even bears all the costs she incurs.

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Olena has had a particularly busy time, as many people have fled the country, often leaving their animals behind.

But she makes sure that all the pets are still cared for – what a wonderful person!

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