Dog Best Friends Rescued from a Sad State: Their Incredible Transformation in 3 Months Will Surprise You

Knapp dem Tod entkommen: Wie diese geretteten Streuner in nur 3 Monaten aufblühen, macht sprachlos

Dejected and at the end of their tether, the two dogs Poppy and William drag themselves through the streets. The sight of them is pitiful.

They are emaciated to the bone. Instead of fur, all you can see is bare skin. They won’t last much longer.

Taken off the street

Fortunately, things turn out differently and the pelt-noses don’t have to die in despair on the street.

Some friendly people spot the dogs and take them to the vet immediately.

After initial emergency treatment, they are taken into the care of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

Source: RSPCA

Not out of the woods yet

But Poppy and William are far from out of the woods. The RSPCA has serious doubts as to whether they will survive for any length of time.

Staff member Hannah White recalls their arrival:

„It breaks our hearts to think back to when they arrived. They had been through such trauma and were withdrawn and depressed.“

Poppy and William’s past is also depressing.

Hannah is sure they were abused for breeding and then discarded like rubbish because of their increasing age.

Source: RSPCA

A new life begins

Three months pass and the world has completely changed for Poppy and William. Not only have they regained their strength and have beautiful, healthy fur.

Their whole nature has also changed and they are full of energy and the joy of discovery.

Source: RSPCA

Poppy and William are currently living with a foster mum from the RSPCA network where they are having lots of fun.

Like an old married couple

Now the pair are waiting for a permanent home where they can live out their old age happily. And they really deserve it.

Poppy has taken on the role of guide dog for William. He’s not actually blind, but his eyesight is very poor.

Source: RSPCA

So it’s very important that the two of them stay together, but there’s another reason. They’re like an old married couple and you don’t separate old married couples.

Source: The Dodo

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