Firefighter Finds a Puppy in Blazing House, His Next Action Touches Hearts Everywhere

Feuerwehr findet Welpen in brennendem Haus – was ein Feuerwehrmann dann tut, rührt zu Tränen

Firefighters are often celebrated as heroes. They extinguish fires and are also quickly on the scene of accidents.

They also regularly rescue animals, either as part of another operation or as their very own rescue mission.

In Sacramento, California, a puppy has now been rescued from a serious fire.

Puppy with burn wounds is rescued in large firefighting operation

The Sacramento fire brigade found a puppy during a firefighting operation. He had already been injured by burning plastic parts in the building.

There was melted plastic on his fur, especially on his back and head. One of his hind legs was also slightly burnt.

The rescuing firefighter immediately had an idea for the care and temporary accommodation of the little four-legged friend. He called his colleague Mike Thawley for help.

Mike, the rescuing firefighter angel

As a long-time employee of the Sacramento department, Mike has already rescued several animals and even adopted one of these dogs, a pit bull called Chunk.

Years ago, he found him tied to a fence during a rescue mission.

Mike immediately agreed to take in the little puppy and nurse him back to health.

Name wanted

Mike now keeps posting pictures of the happy puppy, who has already settled in well with his new family.

After a bath, water and food for the little one, Mike tells us in the interview that the puppy has slowly got used to the family and is now starting to build up trust.

The leg is healing well and the melted plastic fibres have also been removed from the fur.

The fire brigade has now launched an appeal to find a name for the rescued puppy and to look for a home for the happy four-legged friend.

Suggestions for names include Lucky, Scrappy and Sparky.

Mike and his family are no longer so sure that they really want to give the cheerful puppy back, which is understandable!

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