German Shepherd Turns Hero, Guides Police to Car Crash to Save Owner’s Life

Lassie wäre neidisch

According to stories from the New Hampshire State Police, they experienced something absolutely extraordinary on 3 January 2022.

Alleged escape from the police

Trooper Sandberg and several Lebanon police officers observed a stray German shepherd on the street.

When they tried to approach the dog, it escaped. Trooper Sandberg initially thought the incident was over.

Then the animal suddenly stood still. The officers made another attempt to approach. But the dog escaped again.

But only apparently. It stopped as soon as it realised that the humans were no longer following it.

Now Trooper Sandberg realised that the dog was not fleeing from them, but wanted them to follow him.

A broken crash barrier

The officers followed the German shepherd, who was careful not to lose his „pursuers“.

The dog led the police across the motorway and beyond the border into Vermont.

There, the officers noticed a badly damaged crash barrier. A vehicle had broken through it.

The overturned pickup truck looked tragic. The officers also found two seriously injured and apparently hypothermic people outside the vehicle.

„When the emergency services arrived, the dog stayed with one of the injured people the whole time while he was being cared for,“ reports Captain Jack Hedges of the Hartford Fire Department.

A lucky dog as a guardian angel


After the injured had been treated, the individual events could be explained.

It turned out that the German shepherd named Tinsley was actually in the car at the time of the accident.

When she realised that her owner was in trouble, she ran off and fortunately met Trooper Sandberg, who quickly understood what the dog wanted.

Without Tinsley, the two men would probably not have survived the accident.

Cam Laundry, the proud owner of this impressive dog, describes Tinsley as his personal guardian angel.

But even he was not surprised by the clever dog’s behaviour. After all, the German shepherd spends every minute by his side.

These two are an inseparable team – a true big screen story brought to life!

It’s a wonderful example of what a loving bond between humans and animals can achieve.

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