Girl Warms Hearts by Lovingly Adopting a Cat Deemed ‚Too Ugly‘ by Others

Niemand will diese Katze, weil sie „zu hässlich“ ist – was ein Mädchen dann tut, rührt zu Tränen

It didn’t look good for the little kitten.

Condemned to live out his life on the brutal pavement of Istanbul’s streets among rubbish bins, this disfigured kitten had little chance of a miracle.

But just like in a fairy tale, an angel finally appeared to him. A seven-year-old girl finds the animal, who has been ignored by everyone, and does everything she can to help him.

Deformed from birth

Von Geburt an deformiert

Due to its completely deformed face, this kitten did not have an easy time competing for food with its „fellow strays“, writes

Passers-by were probably too horrified by the sight to feel sympathy for the unfortunate animal.

The kitten was one-eared, malnourished, full of parasites and skin diseases and suffered from a facial deformity from birth.

Truly no beauty was too daunting for someone to take heart and save her.

An impressive transformation

Eine eindrucksvolle Transformation

But this little girl was not deterred by the kitten’s gruesome appearance.

Without further ado, she picked it up from her home among the rubbish bins and carried it home. There she begged her father to take care of the animal.

Her attempts at persuasion were successful and so they took the unlucky little bird, who had now become a lucky bird, to a veterinary clinic.

After a few operations, they were able to restore his face to such an extent that the little protégé could breathe again without any problems. What a success!

Eine eindrucksvolle Transformation

Within a few months, the „ugliest“ of all street cats was transformed into a beautiful pet that now bears almost no resemblance to its old feline self.

The little velvet paw can now not only enjoy her physical renewal, but also the fact that she has a new home to feel at home in thanks to her rescuer.

She has even been given a name: Gülümser – the one who smiles. The girl could hardly have given her new friend a more heartfelt name!

Gülümser is a true fighter and living proof that beauty is more than just an outer shell.

Click here for the YouTube video of Gülümser’s remarkable transformation:

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