Lifelong Bambi Fan Gets a Surprise Visit from a Deer Just Before She Passes Away

Sterbende Frau bekommt Besuch von einem Reh im Hospiz – Sie war lebenslang Fan von „Bambi“

It is not only dogs and cats that are able to give people great comfort in dark hours, wild animals also have this ability.

A palliative care unit in Australia experienced this when they allowed their patient to receive a very special visit.

Care with a heart


Lisa McDonald’s mother had been in need of care for some time. Together with her sister, she cared for her mother with a lot of heart.

As their mum was a real „Bambi“ fan, the two sisters always wore a T-shirt with the Disney Bambi on it.

They affectionately called the T-shirts their „nursing uniforms“. They matched their mum, who always wore a shirt like this in bed.

A special idea


When the time came that their mum was getting worse, a tender idea grew in the two sisters.

They wanted to sweeten their sick mother’s last days and give her one last big treat.

The old woman had raved about deer all her life. She had Bambi figures everywhere in her home, as well as 100 and 1 T-shirt.

The women therefore decided to bring a real deer to her mum.

In the Facebook group „The Kindness Pandemic“, the sisters posted the story of their mum and her „obsession“ with deer.

touching moments


In fact, there was a couple who ran a small petting zoo. Simone and Chris hand-reared an orphaned deer.

The couple were so taken with their daughters‘ idea that they took a 2-hour journey and brought the deer called „Bambi“ with them.

When the door to the sick mother’s room opened that day, her daughter entered the room with a tame deer in her arms.

The old lady was very surprised and hardly dared to touch the young deer. Very timidly and with shining eyes, she stroked the animal.

Lisa and her sister cannot thank Simone and Chris enough for making this possible for their mum.

She will also be cremated in one of her beloved Bambi shirts on her last walk, so that she will have her passion with her for all eternity.

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