Local Citizen Finds Box at Post Office, The Message On It Sparks Outrage

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An ordinary trip to the post office ends with a heartbreaking surprise for an animal lover from Cleveland, Texas.

The person just wanted to put a parcel in one of the boxes provided. She realises that there is a box with a disturbing inscription underneath the boxes.

Free to take away

Sure enough, the box is labelled „free puppy“.

The person is shocked by the parcel with the inscription, but also confused. Because where is the puppy?

It’s certainly not in the box. No wonder, the parcel is open and no sensible dog would just sit there and wait.

The animal-loving finder takes a closer look. He doesn’t have to look for long. There lies the puppy between the metal feet of the postbox.

Source: Toni Taylor via Facebook

To be more precise, it’s not a puppy lying there, but two small German shepherd mongrels. They are lying close to each other while they sleep.

Stones and paper to eat

We can only guess how long the little ones have been there. They look completely exhausted and starved.

Of course, the concerned neighbour cannot leave the babies to their own devices. Unfortunately, he can’t take them in permanently either.

Source: Toni Taylor via Facebook

Nevertheless, he takes them with him for the time being and contacts two animal welfare activists called Toni Taylor and Zully Vasquez Ventura.

The two look at the puppies and estimate that they are only 14 to 16 weeks old. In order to survive, they have probably eaten stones and paper.

Fortunately, the two are doing well under the circumstances. But they urgently need a home.

Together with Toni and Zully, the unnamed resident is looking for loving people who can take in the two puppies.

There are only a few days left, as the good Samaritan can no longer keep the puppies.

New hope

Fortunately, it doesn’t take long. A foster family is quickly found for the two little shepherd mixes.

They are also looked after by Saving Shepherds Rescue. This is an organisation that specialises in rescuing shepherd dogs.

The Saving Shepherds Rescue team is of course also making sure that the two puppies can move into a loving forever home as soon as possible.

Until then, they will be nursed back to health and can slowly forget their bad experiences through lots of affection and cheerful play.

What these little dog souls have experienced is unbelievably heartless – abandoned and offered like a few old cups as „free to go“.

How lucky that the right person found them. We wish them both the very best for their future.

Source: The Dodo

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