Man Tries to Move a Dead Dog from the Road, Then the Unexpected Happens

Vor seinen Augen überfahren- Mann will toten Hund von Straße holen, dann geschieht das Unglaubliche

A man sees a run-over dog lying in the street. He wants to give him a decent burial, then a miracle happens.

Animal rights activists want to bury dead dog


Riddle Paliwal and Akash Saxena are the founders of the Kartavya Society, an animal welfare organisation in India. One day, they are on their way home from work when they see a run-over dog lying on the road.

The animal-loving couple pull over and decide to at least give the street dog a decent burial. Saxena enters the highway to collect the dead dog when Paliwal suddenly hears him calling excitedly, as she tells „The Dodo„:


„Akash shouted: ‚He’s alive!“ The four-legged friend only has a head wound, which indicates that he was hit by a passing car. The four-legged friend had probably fainted from the force of the injury.

Anxiety at the emergency vet


Although the unconscious dog was lying in the middle of the busy road, the cars driving over him did not harm him. Paliwal describes the dramatic scene and the consequences:

„We picked him up and rushed him to the emergency vet. We just wanted to save his life, because it was a true miracle that he had made it this far.“


And further:

„Not even the vets knew if he would make it after the severe head injuries.“ But the cute four-legged friend is a fighter, as he proved in the weeks that followed.

Dog miraculously survives

He survives the ordeal, even if it is a long healing process. Paliwal and Saxena never leave the four-legged friend’s side. For them, it is a true miracle that the four-legged friend survives and so they call the dog, who is seeking life, Miracle.


Under normal circumstances, they would look for a new home for Miracle after his full recovery. But in view of their shared experience, the couple decided on a different option this time, as Paliwal reveals:


„We have decided to keep Miracle with us. We love him so much and can’t imagine our home without him. Now he’s with us forever.“

The rescue of Miracle has strengthened both of them in their work as animal rescuers and the smiling face of their favourite rewards them every day!

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