Rattlesnake Tries to Attack Woman, Her Puppy’s Heroic Action Will Leave You Amazed

Welpe rettet Frauchen mit mutiger Tat vor gefährlicher Klapperschlange

There are numerous dangerous animal species in the USA, including rattlesnakes, of course. But dogs need to run around several times a day to fulfil their needs.

Dangers also lurk when walking dogs. This is exactly what a woman from the USA had to experience first-hand.

Paula Godwin went for a walk with her two furry friends, a puppy and an adult dog. All three were out for a leisurely stroll and enjoying the fresh air. The dogs were having fun and nobody suspected anything bad.

Then, out of the blue, it happened!

Stepped on a rattlesnake


A rattlesnake had secretly hidden by the roadside and was waiting for its prey. Of course, it didn’t want to eat the woman or one of her dogs, because creatures that big don’t fit into its prey scheme.

But the snake and the dog owner crossed paths in an unpleasant way.

Fully focussed on her four-legged friends, the woman suddenly stepped on something thin and soft. She had stepped directly on the dangerous snake.

The snake didn’t like this at all and reacted promptly, as snakes are wont to do, with a venomous bite.

But just in time, before the venomous fangs could catch Paula, the little puppy Todd, just six months old, bravely threw himself between the snake and Paula.

The brave animal turned out to be both a guardian angel and a lifesaver.

No danger was too great for the loyal friend; his beloved owner meant everything to him. So Todd didn’t hesitate for a second and protected Paula with his own body.

He was bitten in the process, right on the muzzle. The snake venom caused a large swelling. The poor animal is a true animal hero, but now needed help as quickly as possible.

Quickly to the doctor and save the puppy

Paula Godwin/Facebook.com

After the attack, the rattlesnake quickly disappeared and was never seen again. But the poor animal had to suffer from the snake’s bite. Paula immediately grabbed her cute puppy and took it to the nearest vet.

Time was of the essence. After all, rattlesnake bites can kill dogs. With immediate effect, right in the waiting area, the vet injected the animal with an antidote. Just in time.

A short time later, the puppy would probably have died from the effects of the poison.

Although Todd had to stay in the practice for follow-up treatment, he recovered quickly and made a full recovery. Of course, the severe swelling remained for a while. But Todd is his owner’s hero and lifesaver.

It’s unbelievable what dogs are capable of when it comes to protecting their owners.

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