Rescued Dog Clings to New Food Bowl for a Heartbreaking Reason

straßenhund neville und seine dankbarkeit über seine ersten eigenen futternapf

Anyone who adopts a dog from an animal shelter will rarely find out exactly where their new favourite comes from and what difficulties it has had to overcome in its life.

Susanne has shared such a story on her social media account.

She wants to set a positive example and convince more people to give a neglected animal soul a new chance!

Neville, the Jack Russell terrier mix

Susanne has since told her story to a reporter and emphasises that it was love at first sight when she first saw Neville at the shelter.

Source: Twitter/ErUpstairs

On one of the shelter’s adoption days, she queued outside the shelter early to make sure she would be the one to adopt Neville.

As she had already adopted a former street dog, she was aware that the familiarisation phase could be bumpy.

Neville doesn’t know what hit him

Susanne happily brings her Jack Russell mix home and immediately realises that his behaviour at feeding time is indicative of mistreatment in his previous life.

He showed great food envy and immediately fought with Susanne’s other dog over the food.

His health was also worse than first suspected.

His teeth were in very poor condition and as he was not neutered, she suspected that he was being used for breeding.

His behaviour suggested that he had neither been properly trained nor had he ever been treated kindly.

Endless joy and gratitude

Source: Twitter/ErUpstairs

Despite his basically lovable nature, it took Susanne several weeks to teach her Neville that he would no longer have to go hungry and that he could eat his food from his own bowl without stress.

When Neville finally understood this, he began to never let his food bowl out of his sight again.

Source: Twitter/ErUpstairs

He now sleeps either next to or almost in his bowl, which prompts Susanne to take pictures of him and share them on social media.

Source: Twitter/ErUpstairs

„My little rescued dog is breaking my heart. He still can’t believe he has his own bowl now.“

susanne said in a Twitter post.

Source: The Dodo

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