Sleeping Dog Passes Gas, Cat’s Hilarious Payback Brings Joy to Thousands

Hund pupst im Schlaf - die freche Rache der Katze bringt Tausende zum Lachen

„Like cats and dogs.“ The old cliché has been around for decades, and yet it miraculously proves to be true time and time again. It seems as if the two are not meant for each other.

But not all animals should be lumped together. There are also exceptions: Cats and dogs have a wonderful friendship. Some are even best friends.

Affection between cats and dogs

The dog and cat in the following video on YouTube are an example of affection and friendship. They behave like siblings who have grown up together. Siblings love each other, argue and are there for each other.

YouTube | The Paw

The whole situation was probably recorded by the animals‘ owner. He witnessed a hilarious situation.

The dog is taking a nap and the cat is awake. Nothing unusual about that at first.

That’s probably what the owner of the two thought too, who actually just wanted to film this innocent moment of sleep. But then it happens: the dog goes too far.

Dog farts: cat takes revenge

A rather familiar sound can be heard, which often goes hand in hand with unpleasant winds. The dog farts.

Many animals are so relaxed in their sleep that this mishap happens more than once. And the cat doesn’t seem to like it at all.

But the poor dog is unaware of his misdeed. The next moment, everything looks as if the cat has let this nasty faux pas get the better of him.

YouTube | The Paw

But then she lunges and gives the dog a good pat on the head. The dog wakes up immediately and looks puzzled. After all, he has no idea what has just happened.

The video has caused a lot of laughter on YouTube. Slave Holder, for example, says that it wasn’t the noise that disturbed the cat, but the smell that came towards it.

Activate Kruger comments under the video that the cat’s thoughts were probably: „Hey, what are you doing? Are you serious?“

Click here to go straight to the super-funny video:

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