Stray Dog Found Unconscious From A Fierce Fight – After Rescue She’s Hit By The Next Blow Of Fate

Straßenhündin Rettung Überlebenskampf

An animal that is left to its own devices has a much harder time in life. This is especially true for animals like dogs that are so fixated on people.

Homeless four-legged friends struggle with hunger, the effects of the weather, illness and sometimes even bloody fights with other strays.

This is also the case with Stray, who is found unconscious outside a store after an attack.

She has fought so hard

But at some point she just can’t take it anymore. All alone, she is found lying on the floor near the entrance of a 7-Eleven (general store).

She was lying on the front steps, where she could barely drag herself until she fainted.

Luckily, an animal-loving woman finds the poor dog and immediately calls a rescue organization. Of course, she waits until the rescuers arrive.

Stray is so exhausted that she doesn’t even wake up until then.

The dog is seriously injured

Her face is swollen, she was probably bitten by another dog who was fighting with her for food. But the bite could also have come from a wild animal.

Fortunately, the rescue team arrives quickly and the dog can be helped.

She is given an infusion and then immediately taken to the veterinary clinic.

When she arrives at the clinic, Stray has already perked up again. However, she is still disoriented and first runs into a glass window, fortunately without injury.

In any case, Stray needs a lot of fluids, because when the initial fluid intake wears off, she faints again.

The doctors suspect that the wound on her face is so painful that she has gone into shock. This makes it necessary to administer painkillers.

To make matters worse, Stray also gets an infection. Now she is fighting for her survival!

But there is a happy ending

Thanks to the successful administration of antibiotics and ten days in hospital, her condition improves dramatically.

And then there is some wonderful news: Stray has found a new home and can finally lead a happy life!

She has more than earned it, we wish her all the best!

Would you like to watch Stray’s remarkable story now? Then you can do so in this video: YouTube

Source: epic-interesting

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