Streetcar Driver Sees Helpless Creature On The Tracks, He Instantly Slams On Brakes And Saves A Life

Straßenbahnfahrer sieht etwas auf den Gleisen liegen

It’s just another day at work for Serhat Topal. He transports people through a Turkish city on his streetcar.

But suddenly the day is anything but normal, because he discovers something on the tracks that shouldn’t be there.

An animal in distress

Source: Ulaşimpark A.Ş.

Serhat notices the small creature on the tracks in the other direction.

So there is actually no need for him to stop his streetcar. The animal is not directly in front of him.

But he decides otherwise, because his heart beats for animals and he knows that this creature needs help right now.

It certainly wouldn’t stand a chance on its own, because it’s a tortoise.

Slow, clumsy and with feet that can only move on level ground, the turtle is in a very awkward position.

It is stuck in the track and cannot free itself. If a train comes along, it will surely die.

Spontaneous hero

Serhat doesn’t even think about it. He brakes immediately, jumps out of his streetcar and runs across the tracks to the helpless turtle.

Courageous yet cautious, he frees the animal from the track, lifts it over the fence and carefully places it on the ground.

„The turtle looked healthy“,

he says afterwards, and continues:

„I’m very happy.“

While the tortoise now continues its unhindered journey into the countryside, Serhat gets back on his train.

One would assume that the passengers are now angry because they are late arriving at their destination.

But it’s quite different – the passengers also have a sense of nature. They are happy about the successful rescue and praise the spontaneous hero Serhat.

All living creatures are our friends

Source: Ulaşimpark A.Ş.

For Serhat, however, helping the animal was simply a matter of course.

He said:

„All living creatures are our friends and we should treat them with love. Everyone should see this as their duty. I simply did my duty.“

What a wonderful attitude. If only more people were like Serhat.

This is exactly what he hopes to achieve by sharing this story with the world.

Through his own efforts on behalf of the helpless animal, he hopes to inspire other people to open their eyes and help where help is needed.

So it’s perfect that a surveillance camera filmed the rescue.

Watch the heart-warming scene right now and be inspired:

Source: The Dodo

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