Woman Thinks She Spots an Oil Stain in Parking Lot, but the Truth Breaks Her Heart

Frau glaubt, sie sieht Ölfleck auf Parkplatz - doch was sie dann erkennt, bricht ihr das Herz

Rose Hunter is a self-proclaimed „houseplant addict“. That’s why she often visits the Campbell’s Nursery branch (garden centre) near her home.

One day, on a whim, she decides to visit the shop a little further away.

What she doesn’t realise at the time is that this chance visit will change her life.

A strange discovery in the car park

Source: Rose Hunter

When Rose arrives at Campbell’s, she notices something strange in the car park.

It looks like a tiny, fuzzy lump lying abandoned on the concrete.

Could it just be an oil slick? But it doesn’t really look like it.

Rose approaches curiously

Source: Rose Hunter

She wants to take a closer look at the „oil slick“ and quickly realises that it is a small animal.

Could it be a rabbit or a squirrel?

Rose goes a little closer and can’t believe what she sees.

It’s a baby kitten

Source: Rose Hunter

The tiny kitten can’t be more than five days old.

It’s a miracle that it’s still unharmed. How quickly something bad could have happened in the car park.

Rose knows that she absolutely has to help the kitten and is very excited.

First she picks up the kitten and takes it to safety.

As nobody at the nursery knows about pregnant stray cats, Rose calls a local vet and makes an appointment.

The kitten is allowed to go home with her for the time being

She takes the kitten home with her, where it can spend the night in safety.

The next morning, Rose returns and puts the kitten in a box, hoping its mum will come and collect it. But no one comes.

She then contacts an old friend who knows a potential foster mum in the area. An older cat has just given birth.

Miraculously, the mother cat accepts the strange kitten and nurses it.

The kitten grows up with its foster mum for six weeks

Source: Rose Hunter

It grows big and strong and already has a new home.

Rose knows right from the start that she wants to adopt the kitten and christens him Campbell.

The little chap loves his new life, his toys and running and jumping around the flat.

Source:The Dodo

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