Adorable Moose Calf Shares Heartwarming Moment with Soldier, Images Charm the World

Soldat und Elchkalb - Eine ungewöhnliche Begegnung

Sometimes in life you have surprising but wonderful experiences. This is one of them.

Soldier on standby

Facebook / Prikko Erich Jyri

Prikko is a member of the Estonian army. When he was at Lake Võrtsjärv with his unit a few days ago, he had a wonderful encounter.

Lake Vörtsjärv is the largest lake in Estonia. It is surrounded by a large forest area that is home to numerous animal species.

One of these species is the moose. For the most part, these animals keep their distance from humans.

But when Pikko heard a noise, he scanned the area with his eyes .

A forest dweller appeared

Symbolic photo / Wikimedia

Prikko soon realised that a clumsy moose calf was stalking towards him.

Prikkokept an eye out for the mother , but couldn’t make out an adult animal.

The soldier sat still and remained in his position, as he did not want to frighten the little one.

But the calf obviously knew no fear, because it walked straight towards Prikko.

It sniffed him curiously, even licked him and was also interested in his armpits.

The only explanation Prikko had for this was that the moose calf was probably looking for its mother’s milk.

Without further ado, he rang the veterinary office and explained his situation. The office sent an employee and a bottle of milk to Prikko.

The elk calf was only too happy to let the soldier give him the bottle. It was a very special moment for Prikko.

Then Prikko left his unusual acquaintance. Despite his good feelings, he thought about the lonely animal the whole evening.

Traces of happiness

Facebook / Prikko Erich Jyri

When Prikko returned to the site of the animal encounter the next morning with great curiosity, the moose calf had disappeared.

However, he found several large and small moose tracks in the neighbourhood. For Prikko, this meant that the moose calf had found its mother.

For the soldier Prikko, it was a matter of course to help. After all, he has sworn to protect life – including that of animals.

He is a wonderful role model and shows how uncomplicated cross-species help can be.

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