Chimpanzee Sees His Human Parents Again After Years, His Reaction Melts Hearts

Schimpanse trifft seine Menschen-Eltern nach Jahren wieder- Seine Reaktion ist extrem rührend

Great emotional cinema! Love is interspecies and timeless, as this video impressively demonstrates.

The chimpanzee boy Limbani is allowed to jump back into the arms of his human parents after years of separation.

The reaction from both sides is perhaps the most moving thing we’ve ever seen on YouTube!

An emotional reunion

ZWF MIAMI has undoubtedly put a video online that leaves no eye dry.

The reunion of Limbani and his foster parents moved everyone present and watching to tears.

The fact that apes are very similar to us humans is not groundbreaking news. However, the incredibly human nature of Limbani’s reaction may come as a surprise to some.

The joy with which Limbani runs towards mum and dad is clearly evident in his every move.

Under the gaze of his carers and the delighted shouts of his human mum, the chimpanzee jumps onto her arm with full force.

Ein emotionales Wiedersehen
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: ZWF MIAMI

But when he sees his dad, the monkey goes completely crazy!

Dad, the hero

With highly chimpanzee-like and excited hu-hu-hu calls, Limbani jumps on the arm of a grey-haired man. He squeezes with joy!

He even hides his big nose in the crook of his arm, as if to hide tears from the camera.

Papa, der Held
Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: ZWF MIAMI

The foster mum strokes his black fur tenderly, while Limbani continues to make sobbing noises in his dad’s arms.

A reunion could hardly be more heartbreaking! YouTube users agree:

„OMG I’m so happy for you guys, those „ohohohohoh“ cries really melted my heart.“

„If that’s not proof enough that animals can feel love and joy, what is? Even if they can’t speak, they tell us that they love us.“

We don’t find out why the monkey and his human family were separated in the video, but let’s be honest: with a reunion like this, the reason is really irrelevant!

Watch Limbani’s cries of joy here!

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