Construction Worker Discovers 3 Poor Kittens, Their Incredible Transformation Stuns Everyone

Sturz in ein besseres Leben- 3 Kätzchen fallen aus einem Laster und entkommen so dem Hungertod

Strange things sometimes happen on construction sites. But baby animals falling from the back of a tipper lorry and being more dead than alive is not on the agenda.

However, the fall saved the lives of these three kittens. The way different agencies are working together to help them deserves a lot of applause!

Their condition is really worrying

When the three kittens are brought to the veterinary clinic, they are completely emaciated. Their fur is filthy from life on the building site and caked with grease.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

At just three weeks old and after falling off the back of a tipper lorry, the little ones are in a bad way.

Source: SavingGraceRescue

Medically, the vet clinic can help them, but they need a safe place to regain their strength and grow up with love.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

An employee of the veterinary clinic contacts Saving Grace Rescue

Marcy is immediately ready to take in the three furballs and look after them. There is still a long way to go, but her efforts are paying off: The three babies are making good progress.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

To socialise the three, they move in with Marcy’s colleague Joyce, her foster dog and her cats.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

The incredibly cute trio immediately feel at home and start their first exploratory tour of the flat.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

As a pack of three, they play together, wander through the rooms or cuddle up to each other. But they are particularly fond of the foster dog Charcoal and Joyce’s cat Hector.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

„The three of them have known the company of cats and dogs since they were 2-3 weeks old. They are loving, cuddly and purr until the doctor comes.“

joyce reveals.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

The siblings‘ happiness is not yet perfect

The three kittens love to cuddle and be cuddled in their foster mum Joyce’s lap.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

After their bumpy start and the rescue by Marcy, they can grow up being cared for and loved by their foster family.

Source: @kangaroothekitty

Until someone finds them a forever home, the three cuddly tigers can stay together.

It would be nice if their close bond with each other is not severed and they find a home together.

Source: Love Meow

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