Dog Spends 10 Long Years in Shelter, His Reaction to Getting Adopted is Heart-Melting

Hund wartet 10 Jahre im Tierheim – seine Reaktion, als er eine Familie findet, rührt zu Tränen

When little Cleto is born, fate does not mean well for him. He learnt of nothing but abuse and neglect.

It is therefore fortunate that West Coast Paws Dog Rescue finds him a place in an animal shelter in Mexico City.

But even the best shelter is not a real home. So Cleto waits. And waits. And waits.

A life in an animal shelter

Cleto spends the rest of his puppyhood in the shelter. He becomes a junior, an adult dog and then a senior.

As the years pass, many dogs from the shelter find a new home. But poor Cleto is always overlooked by interested parties.

Source: West Coast Paws Dog Rescue

He doesn’t have to suffer in the shelter like he did as a puppy and he is learning to get on well with other dogs and people.

But of course, no shelter in the world can replace a loving home where Cleto is not just one dog among many.

Why doesn’t anyone want Cleto?

Source: West Coast Paws Dog Rescue

It can’t be because of his character, because he’s a really lovely dog.

Zoë Yoxall, co-founder of West Coast Paws Dog Rescue, believes his size is a factor.

At around 22 kilograms, he may not be a heavyweight, but he is still quite a handsome dog.

Such furry friends are less in demand than smaller dogs that can sit comfortably on your lap.

Then there’s the scar on his face and the one ear with a piece missing.

The main prize

Cleto has now been at the shelter for ten years and, by human standards, he could be described as a sprightly pensioner.

You might think that he no longer has any chance of finding a family.

Fortunately, fate comes full circle and hands him the main prize in the lottery of life. Actually, there are two main prizes.

They are called Dan and Heda and are now Cleto’s human parents, with whom he is very happy. He has a photo on Facebook to thank for his new life.

Source: West Coast Paws Dog Rescue

It was there that Dan and Heda discovered him and immediately decided to adopt him.

You can watch Cleto finally go to his forever home on the West Coast Paws Dog Rescue Facebook channel.

Source: The Dodo

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