Driver Spots Dog with Cardboard Box on Road, His Heartbreaking Discovery Will Move You

Quelle: Faebook/Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue
Quelle: Faebook/Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

James Allen from Dickson, Tennessee, in the USA, drives the same route to work every day, but one day he notices something.

There is a dog on the side of the road next to the carriageway and it appears to be guarding a cardboard box.

This is very strange and James slams on the brakes to take a look at the situation.

Valuable contents

He gets out and it’s not long before he discovers why the dog won’t let the cardboard box out of his sight.

Source: Faebook/Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

In fact, it’s not a dog, but a bitch, and inside the box are her five adorable puppies.

Some irresponsible person must have abandoned the dog family here and then simply left them behind.

Source: Faebook/Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

The dog keeps looking up the road as if she is still hoping for her humans to return, but no one does.

Unfortunately, this happens far too often

James cannot deny his good heart. He doesn’t want to simply leave the six dogs here to their fate.

So he gets in touch with the animal rescue organisation Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue via Facebook.

Source: Faebook/Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

Fortunately, the organisation immediately agreed to take in the abandoned pets.

The staff are dismayed but not surprised by the way the adorable four-legged friends were cold-heartedly „disposed of“.

Unfortunately, things like this happen far too often in this area,“

writes a spokesperson for the organisation.

Finally fed and safe

The dog mum and her five children don’t need long to settle in at Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue.

Source: Faebook/Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue

They really enjoy being able to eat as much as they want. Having a warm and safe place to sleep is also simply marvellous.

We can only wish that luck will smile on them once again and that they will all find a great family.

James also deserves respect for not simply ignoring six animals in need of help.

This is how all humans should act.

Source: The Dodo

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