Family Considers Putting Sleepy Puppy Down Until Vet Makes a Surprising Discovery

Traurig-deprimierter Welpe soll eingeschläfert werden, weil er nicht mehr spielen will - Tierarzt macht erstaunliche Entdeckung

Cape Town, South Africa – The little dog Simba was a playful and bright chap when he moved in with his family. All the family members had a lot of fun and played together.

Then suddenly Simba became more and more tired and sad every day. His owners were less and less able to encourage him to play with them or go for walks.

Simba’s owners had probably hoped for something different from their puppy and decided without further ado to have him put to sleep because they were no longer having fun with him …

Appointment to put him to sleep

So a first and last appointment was made for Simba with a vet.

As is customary with vets, the owners are asked a few questions about the little puppy’s condition.

On this occasion, the vet learnt that Simba had never been examined for physical causes or illnesses that could explain his tiredness and sadness.

So this vet takes care of the little chap. He doesn’t have to look for long, as he finds a tick while stroking the poor puppy.

It must have caused the fever and thus the tiredness and other problems.

New life, new happiness

September 2016: Simba is slowly on the road to recovery.

He is now living with a foster family and is experiencing for the first time what it’s like to have someone looking after you and not just being responsible for entertaining others.

As soon as he is fully recovered, the local animal welfare organisation Sidewalk Specials will be looking for a new loving family to keep him.

At this point, let’s hope Simba’s old owners don’t bring another animal into their home if they don’t want to look after it anyway, as a responsible owner should!

Would you like to hear Simba’s whole story? Then watch the video now:

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