First-Time Orangutan Mom Holds Her Newborn, Her Reaction Makes Millions Heartwarmingly Happy

Orang-Utan-Dame wird zum 1. Mal Mutter – ihre Reaktion nach der Geburt berührt Millionen

Bringing new life into the world is indeed a miracle.

It is incredible that mammals – whether animals or humans – carry a baby in their womb for months before it is born.

Some people find it fascinating to watch a birth. Perhaps you will too with our following story?

The orangutan has gone into labour

Source: YouTube screenshot

In fact, the birth of the baby orangutan was the first such birth to be captured on film.

But that’s not the only reason why the video is so special.

The 25-year-old Dana had already suffered a stillbirth and had massive problems in previous pregnancies.

Source: Youtube screenshot

It was assumed that Dana was infertile due to her blocked ovaries.

Source: Youtube Screenshot

But thanks to the brilliant gynaecologist at Jersey General Hospital, she became pregnant again.

The happy dad: 28-year-old male orangutan Dagu.

Source: Youtube Screenshot

The miracle of life is a real miracle

Source: Youtube Screenshot

Dana managed to give birth to her baby on her own – but there were always helpers and vets nearby.

Source: Youtube Screenshot

Viewers got an up-close look at the moment the baby entered the world.

Happy mum finally gets to hold her baby

Source: Youtube Screenshot

While midwives take on the job of cleaning the baby immediately after birth, in this case it was Dana’s job. Nature just works a little differently.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Shortly afterwards, the little orangutan made its first cry.

The cries that could be heard in the background were from Dagu, who was overjoyed at the baby’s arrival.

Source: Youtube Screenshot

Dana’s motherly pride knew no bounds – and so she carried her little girl to the camera to show her off to the whole world.

„This is amazing – she came to show us her baby, this is just fantastic!“

said one viewer in the comment under the YouTube video.

The birth is not just a miracle for Dana. It’s also a miracle for the Durrell Wildlife Park, where she and her family live.

Because the Sumatran orangutan is an endangered species – and the birth of the orangutan baby is therefore a real sensation!

Source: Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

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