Hiker Spots a Hole in the Ground, What He Sees Inside Leaves Him in Disbelief

Wanderer bemerkt Loch im Boden - als er zweimal hinschaut, kann er nicht glauben, was er da sieht

On a seemingly normal day in a valley in Brighton, England, a woman was walking her dog.

His gaze travelled through the landscape and suddenly stopped at a hole in the ground.

A queasy feeling prompted him to take a closer look at the hole and could hardly believe his eyes at what was inside.

Trapped and unable to move

Source: RSPCA

The walker spotted a completely wedged sheep, unable to move forwards or backwards. However it had got in there, it couldn’t get out on its own.

He knew the ball of wool had to be helped quickly and contacted the Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), the oldest and largest animal welfare organisation in the world.

No escape without help

Source: RSPCA

The RSPCA animal rescue officers are more than surprised to find the sheep in this narrow hole.

At first, the RSPCA rescuers didn’t have a precise plan on how to free the sheep.

But by gently shaking the animal, the legs could be freed and the sheep pulled out.

Rescue at the last second

Source: RSPCA

Without the attentive hiker, the hole would have become a grave for the sheep. It was already quite emaciated.

RSPCA animal rescue officers assumed that the sheep had been stuck there for some time.

Fortunately, the sheep had no injuries or other permanent damage.

„Luckily it wasn’t injured (…) just understandably a bit wobbly on its legs,“

animal rescue officer Cloe Wilson told The DoDo.

Back at home

Source: RSPCA

The RSPCA rescuers were able to locate the sheep’s home.

The family were very happy and grateful that their sheep was saved by the alert second sight of the traveller.

The sheep was immediately welcomed with lots of love and was given extra attention, care and, above all, food.

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