Man Takes a Walk at Twilight, Gets the Surprise of His Life When a Stranger Approaches

Mann geht in der Dämmerung spazieren – er traut seinen Augen kaum, wer ihm plötzlich entgegenkommt

Canada is known for its beautiful landscapes and diverse nature. This makes going for a walk even more relaxing.

The walker in Ontario in this video certainly wants to enjoy the fresh air and the calming effect of nature.

Little does he know that he is about to have a unique encounter that may not leave the air quite so fresh.

Family outing at dusk

The walker walks along a dirt track between meadows and trees. It is already getting dark and you can still see the evening glow in the distance.

In the dim light of dusk, the man suddenly realises that someone is coming towards him.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @viralhog

He can hardly believe his eyes, but as the small group comes closer, he clearly recognises it: it’s a family of skunks.

Mum skunk is obviously on an evening walk with her children. No wonder, because skunks are crepuscular and nocturnal.

Nevertheless, it is very rare to encounter a skunk family.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @viralhog

The family is travelling in perfect harmony, and quite nimbly at that. They probably only use the human path for a short time and are not overly enthusiastic about the encounter with the two-legged friend.

The latter is fascinated by the sight, but he also knows what skunks do when they feel threatened.

When this family turns up their tails and sprays him with their „scent“, the good air is gone. So the man does the only right thing: he freezes into a pillar of salt.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @viralhog

The family gets quite close to him, but fortunately doesn’t think to stop and spray.

The skunks quickly run on and after a few metres take the next turn into the bushes.

Source: YouTube screenshot; channel: @viralhog

Happiness in more ways than one

The walker will certainly remember this unique experience for a long time to come, fortunately only in a positive way.

The video, which was published on YouTube, has delighted tens of thousands of people.

Most people have mixed feelings about the idea of meeting a family of skunks.

„How cute. Run away.“

comments @melizq1266, describing what he would surely have done.

@JesusLovesU0777 has a different tip:

„Wow. Stay immobile like a tree.“

That is certainly the better advice and the walker did it successfully.

@kmarch6630 summarises his feelings like this:

„You got lucky in many different ways.“

@LourdesGzz is the only one to see the encounter from the animals‘ point of view:

„You’re like – if we stay close together, we’re safe.“

Would you like to see a cute skunk family up close? Watch the video now!

Source: @viralhog

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