Sad Dog on Euthanasia List Gets Incredible Second Chance with an Innovative Idea

Niemand will ihn haben- Trauriger Hund steht auf Todesliste, doch eine geniale Idee ändert alles

When the animal rescue organisation „Miami Dade Animal Services“ took in a sweet dog called Bobby, the staff had no idea how hard he would have it.

But they did everything they could to make the four-legged friend’s time with them as pleasant as possible.

Nobody wanted to adopt him

Bobby immediately won the hearts of his carers. They loved cuddling him and caring for him lovingly.

They gave him all their love to be there for the sad four-legged friend.

Bobby was supposed to be placed in a forever home – but nobody was interested in the dog.

Two months after his admission to the animal rescue centre, things were still looking very bad for him. The four-legged friend was slowly losing hope that he would ever get out of there alive.

He was on the red list

Unfortunately, Bobby was one of the dogs that nobody wanted. As the animal shelters were all hopelessly overcrowded, too long a stay without adoption meant death for many animals.

Bobby was also to meet this sad fate. He became increasingly depressed from day to day and lost all zest for life.

But then something happened that nobody had expected!

As it was Christmas time, the animal keepers dressed the dog in a cute Christmas jumper and posted the picture on social media.

His life changed abruptly

The employees‘ idea of using the photo to make a difference was a complete success!

As soon as the picture went online, lots of people got in touch to give Bobby a new home.

They were moved by the heartbreaking story of the sad four-legged friend and wanted to save his life as quickly as possible.

In the end, a woman called Paula adopted the dog – she just couldn’t help herself when she saw the sad picture of Bobby.

Finally a new home

Paula knew exactly what Bobby needed to lead a happy life with her – he has now found a loving forever home with her.

Thanks to Paula, Bobby escaped death and his life has turned 180 degrees since that day.

Because from now on he finally gets the love and attention that he has been missing so painfully for the last few months.

What a wonderful Christmas miracle for this four-legged friend – there couldn’t have been a better present for Bobby this festive season.

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