Woman Rescues Baby Deer, Her Shepherd Dog’s Reaction Is Full of Surprises

Ein Deutscher Schäferhund ist der Beschützer verletzter Rehe!

Many dog breeds get along quite well with other animals. Especially if their hunting instinct is not encouraged.

Herding dogs however, have an even better connection to other animals and not only accept them, they are even happy to take them under their wing and help with their care as much as they can.

It goes without saying that they also protect and guide the other animals!

An injured deer on the road

Cheryl, the owner of Sarge, a nine-year-old German Shepherd, couldn’t believe her eyes when she found an injured deer calf lying lonely on the road on her way home.

She promptly took the poor baby home with her. Her surprise was great when her beloved four-legged friend immediately went to the young deer’s side and set about protecting it.

For several weeks, Sarge did not leave the side of the little calf, which Cheryl had now christened Buckwheat.

The faithful companion

As soon as Buckwheat had recovered from his injury and was able to walk around the house and later the garden again, Sarge was by his side.

His owner Cheryl says in the interview that it seemed as if Sarge was showing Buckwheat around, showing him everything and, especially in the garden, making sure that the little deer didn’t run out into the street again.

Buckwheat continued to recover and grew up during his time in Cheryl and Sarge’s care. One day, the two loving carers had to release Buckwheat into the wild.

A wonderful new task

The experience with Buckwheat and Coffin’s devoted help for him has led Cheryl to start looking after baby deer in need more and more often.

Every time she comes home with an injured baby deer in her arms, Sarge is ready to take it under his wing and care for it until the injury heals and it’s time to release the new friend back into the nearby forest.

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