Woman Spots Someone Sitting Alone on a Rainy Sofa, It’s Heartbreaking Who She Finds

Welpe tagelang draußen angekettet im Regen - Frau rettete ihn und gab ihm ein neues Zuhause

Alone and on a lead on a shabby old couch outside in the front garden – that is some dog owners‘ ideal of how their four-legged friends should live.

But this time a little puppy has escaped this sad fate, thanks to attentive animal lovers.

The search for the picture


Angela Simmons received a call from angry residents of a nearby trailer park in South Carolina.

According to the information, a small puppy had to spend its days chained to a worn couch in the front yard in all weathers.

Angela got in the car and drove through the streets until she found the sad little puppy. It was pouring with rain when she saw him through the steamed-up car windows.

She pulled over and the young dog looked sadly at her. This was the poor chap she had been looking for. She had to help him.

In good hands


She got out of the car and walked towards the puppy. The closer she got, the more clearly she could see that his paws and nose had been damaged by being outside all day.

His friendly nature was immediately noticeable and Angela realised that the puppy had a big heart full of love to give.

The sad foundling was christened Murphy. With the help of the organisation „Auction For A Kaws“, a foster home was quickly found for him.

A new hope for the puppy


Everyone at the foster home was quickly impressed by the affectionate puppy. He was even said to have good manners.

His behaviour with other dogs, other animals, children and adults is absolutely impeccable. He is simply a joy to walk through the world with.

Murphy’s favourite pastimes are snuggling up in warm blankets, lying in the sun and, of course, going for walks.

But he also savours every cuddle to the full. He then mutates into a real „cuddle monster“.

Everyone who meets Murphy is amazed by his sunny disposition and his love for all living creatures.

Murphy is currently visiting a family on a trial basis and they are very fond of him so far. With any luck, his lonely days are finally numbered.

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