Young Man Passes Away, His Devoted Dog Stays By His Grave During Funeral

22-jähriger Junge tot gefunden- Sein trauernder Hund bleibt bei Beerdigung auf dem Grab liegen

It’s no secret that dogs are very sensitive creatures and develop an intimate relationship with their owners. This is what happened in 2021, when a dog was left lying on the grave of his beloved master in grief.

In the town of Shelbyville – Tennessee, USA – a 22-year-old young man was found shot dead. Apparently the man was simply left lying there afterwards. Even James William Warner’s girlfriend was shot and seriously injured.

The man’s death was not only a shock for his family, but especially for his dog. A tragic story with a true background.

Suspect arrested and remanded in custody

Fortunately, the local police were able to quickly arrest a suspect. It is believed to be the 25-year-old man Samuel Earl Rich, who has now been locked up in Bedford County. But the family and especially the dog are hardly comforted by the arrest.

At least the shooter has been arrested. Unfortunately, Warner’s body had to be cremated shortly afterwards because his condition was so poor.

The funeral took place on Sunday with the family and, of course, Warner’s dog – „Ace“ by name – was also present. All friends and family members expressed their condolences and deep sorrow. However, one of the mourners attracted particular attention during the funeral service.

The events that followed show that dogs are extremely emotional and sensitive creatures that are very attached to their carers. Incredible pictures were taken.

Ace the dog lay down on the grave of the 22-year-old who was killed at the funeral service

Facebook/WKRN Julia Palazzo

Surprisingly, Ace the dog lay down on the grave, perhaps to be very close to his dead master. The mourners were moved to tears and captured the moment on camera.

We can hardly imagine what Warner’s family had to go through and is still going through. Even the dog is suffering and missing his master.

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