„Covered In Urine Stains“ – Abandoned Puppy Found Tied To A Tree In Freezing Cold

Er wäre fast verhungert Welpe wird am Baum festgebunden und unbarmherzig zurückgelassen

You wouldn’t let a dog out in this cold – everyone knows this saying. But just how heartless some people can be never fails to shock true animal lovers.

For example, a puppy is tied to a tree with a lead in freezing cold weather and left there to die.

A cruel fate that nobody really deserves. Especially not an innocent little puppy.

Left alone in the cold

Foto: Hope Rescue

A man found the young Staffordshire bull terrier puppy. He had been chained to a tree. His pitiful condition was obvious. The temperature was also freezing.

There was only one thing the animal lover could do: He had to help this poor animal. He untied the little fellow and immediately took him to the veterinary clinic in Bridgend (Wales).

The veterinaryclinic examined the completely malnourished and freezing puppy, who fortunately had no other illnesses.

Care and grooming

After the examination, he was handed over to Hope Rescue ’s animal welfare officers, who knew straight away that the puppy would need intensive care.

In addition to his poor overall condition, the four-legged friend’s fur was covered in urine.

The animal welfare workers suspected that the little Staffie had peed on himself out of sheer fear while waiting helplessly, starving and freezing for this one animal friend.

They cleaned his fur and then warmed him up nicely. The only thing the animal welfare workers had to be careful about was feeding him.

If an animal is so emaciated that its spine and ribs are so obvious, too much food can overload its stomach.

Such animals are much better helped with several smaller amounts of food than with one large one.

The keepers can only say the best about the little one’s character: he is friendly and incredibly sweet .

With their care and attention, the animal welfare workers will nurture the puppy, now called Eugene, back to health . They will then find a nice home for him.

Help for desperate pet owners

The animal welfare activists want to impress upon pet owners that they are there to help with problems of all kinds.

If money is tight and you can no longer care for your animal on your own, you can contact the animal welfare and feeding stations.

Together we can always find a solution without the animal having to suffer. Owners should not show any false pride. Anyone can find themselves in an unfortunate situation.

Whatever the reason, dear desperate pet owners, make use of the help of animal welfare organizations and reduce animal suffering!

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