Destitute Sickly Pup Finds Salvation, Tale of Its Rescue Warms Many Hearts

Macht fassungslos Welpe wurde herzlos im Park ausgesetzt, weil er krank ist

It should have been the beginning of a wonderful life when Petey was adopted.

But unfortunately for him, the new owners found out that the puppy was suffering from a serious illness.

What they did to the little puppy as a result is simply cruel.

Unloved because he is different

Source: Sacramento SPCA via Facebook Video

A small puppy was found abandoned and wrapped in a wet blanket near a park. His rescuers immediately brought him to the Sacramento SPCA.

But why had the heartless humans left the little tyke to fend for himself? Let’s get to the bottom of the story.

At first, the puppy looked like any other puppy. And that wasn’t the problem for his former owners.

The little dog suffered from cerebellar hypoplasia, in which parts of the cerebellum do not develop properly.

This means that bodily functions that are controlled by the cerebellum are impaired and fail.

This includes frequent falling over and falling down as well as epileptic seizures and tremors.

Reading tip: Do dogs actually notice when their owners are ill? Find out more in: Do dogs realise when you are ill?

Petey’s rescuers don’t give up

Source: Sacramento SPCA via Facebook Video

Even though Petey’s case seemed hopeless at first, his rescuers at the Sacramento SPCA didn’t give up on him.

He received physiotherapy and, of course, lots of love and affection. As a result, the mini fur nose was soon on the road to recovery.

Petey can now eat on his own again and play like a normal little puppy.

Petey finds his family

His new family don’t care at all that the little chap brought a health challenge with him.

They are simply overjoyed to have found the little fur ball and to be able to offer him the life he deserves.

They can’t believe that he was heartlessly abandoned by his former owners – and that they didn’t love him the way he was and is.

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