Left To Die In A Box At 90 Degrees, The Lives Of These Tiny Puppies Take An Unexpected Turn

Welpen werden bei 32 Grad in einem Karton zum Sterben ausgesetzt

Puppies, not unlike our babies, need special protection from the cold or heat in their first few weeks of life. They should also not be removed from their mother too early.

You can find out from reputable breeders and kennel clubs what conditions and tasks are imposed on the owners of dogs for breeding.

Much of this is circumvented by illegal mass breeding and, since the pandemic, the trade in puppies via the internet and at special prices has flourished. Unfortunately, most of these cute creatures arrive sick at their owners‘ homes.

Instead of providing the poor and suffering creatures with help, care and medical attention, more and more duped customers are apparently deciding to dispose of puppies in a brutal act.

Bike ride at 90 °F


There aren’t too many days when Essex, a county in England, has over 90 °F on the thermometer.

On one of these hot days, a sporty Englishman was out cycling when he found a damaged cardboard box by the side of the road. He would probably have ignored it if he hadn’t suddenly seen a dog’s face peering out of it .

So he braked for a short break in the heat to see what he had discovered.

3 puppies in the sweltering heat


The cardboard box was found in the midst ofbright sunshine, which intensified the already unusual heat.

The puppy he had seen earlier was not alone in the box either. A total of three puppies had been left in a cardboard box far away from any settlement.

The cyclist immediately called for help for the puppies!

8 weeks old and sick


What the friendly rescuer didn’t realize at first was that one of the puppies was already dead .

Despite being rushed to a veterinary clinic, the last two puppies could not be saved either. In addition to the heat in this cardboard box, typical dog diseases had also caused problems for the cute creatures.

Parasites and worms are ruled out by reputable breeders by having the puppies treated by a vet when you adopt them from them.

Illegal dog and especially puppy traders do not provide health certificates or information about veterinary treatment.

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