Woman Wakes Up To A Lonely Stray On Her Patio Furniture And Makes A Heartwarming Choice

Streunender Hund wird auf Veranda gefunden und erhält ein neues Zuhause
Quelle: YouTube/Screenshot/Good Morning America

Amy and her daughter made a surprising discovery on their porch one morning. A dog had made himself comfortable on the cushions of their porch chair.

Apparently he had spent the whole night on the chair and didn’t want to leave his place or the family.

Amy had no intention of chasing the four-legged friend away. On the contrary, what she did for him caused admiration and saved his life.

The dog on the veranda chair

Source: YouTube/Screenshot/Good Morning America

Amy was already the owner of two dogs, so she knew how to deal with the porch visitor and took care of him.

She tried to find out who the dear dog belonged to, but he wasn’t wearing tags or chipped.

Amy used social media to try and find out if there was an owner. But no one came forward.

Source: YouTube/Screenshot/Good Morning America

New home found

As no owner came forward and no one she knew could help, Amy tried to pass the lonely dog, who was given the name Walker, on to a loving family.

An older lady finally got in touch with her, saying:

This is exactly the kind of dog I’ve been praying for and I want to give him a friendly new home.

Amy told Good Morning America that the first meeting between the woman and the stray went very well, and she is convinced that she has organized a good home for Walker.

What a wonderful happy ending!

You can watch the full video of the heartwarming story here:

Source: Good Morning America

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